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Prejudice Against Black Women Dancers? Yes or No?
Posted by carol_d
12/29/2014  12:06:00 PM
I am a black woman who started dancing over 9 years ago. It didn't strike me in the beginning but over the past 4 years I have begun to notice a definite bias or prejudice against black women in Ballroom & Latin Dancing more so on the social level. There are not too many of us and the ones who dare to go out social dancing are at a definite disadvantage when it comes to either finding partners or having someone ask us to dance. Many times, I have been passed over for an Asian or White woman because the thinking probably is "Oh she's black -- I've never seen her here before and she most likely cannot dance. Or they might have seen me a few times before but just don't care to dance with me. The benefit of the doubt is usually given the Asian or even the White woman who half the times can not even do a box step in the waltz. The black men in Ballroom are also a rare breed but you will still find a smattering of them who prefer to be partnered up with white or Asian women. Go figure!! Maybe they believe these women are more financially able to afford dance lessons, take private classes, attend dance socials, etc. In short, they are seen as more committed to dance than the black female is. Not necessarily the case.

I would like to hear some thoughts on this from men and women, black, white and Asian because I have spoken to a few other black women and they are of the same opinion.
Re: Prejudice Against Black Women Dancers? Yes or
Posted by dave
12/29/2014  2:37:00 PM
Carol you are mostly right,but on my part it's because where I come from we have lots of Asian dancers and only couple of black couples. But as I am a trained dancer I want tot see if the Lady can dance no matter where she comes from before asking her to dance. Have you spoke to the management to have some round robing dances. The Ladies line up and the men approach the First Lady in line, dance around once and Change partners.. Good luck Dave
Re: Prejudice Against Black Women Dancers? Yes or
Posted by ballroomchick
12/30/2014  12:25:00 PM

At our social dance studio there is 1 black couple who dance with everyone. The wife started out in ballroom, went on to competing in ballroom then switched over to West Coast Swing and competition there. They both social dance ballroom. Non have problems asking other to dance or being asked by others to dance.

We have a larger group of Asian girls and a couple of Asian guys who dance. The girls will dance with who ever asks them to dance. The guys again refuse to dance with anyone who is not Asian.

There is a single black man who always stands on the side lines watching. He will ONLY dance with cute, petit girls. (Its considered very rude to turn down someone asking for a dance if not for a VERY good reason.) Ive watched him. He is technique is dreadful and he is a rough lead most of the time. I can only guess that he wants someone who he can really PUSH around the floor.

SO other than that small handful we all dance with everyone. I have even seen a few guys keep an eye out and make it a point to ask girls to dance who seem to be sitting for a bit.

IMHO there will always be jerks in every color. Sometimes you have to stand up and be proactive by asking the guys to dance.

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